调教学生妹 一、式样讲明 天津异邦语大学是一所多语种,多学科,绽开型的高档学校,在国际中语教师方面具有丰富的教化。本式样以中国古装电视剧为载体,深挖古装剧赋存的中国文化元素和文化内涵,浸入式学习体验中国文化,集念念想性、学问性、风趣性为一体,融文化学习与剧目赏析为一体,带外洋汉语学习者和心疼者感受中国传统文化的独到魔力。 二、举止内容 本举止主要有“上古的汗漫-据说剧中的中国文化”、“硬人实质-武侠剧中的中国文化”、“宫中行-宫廷剧中的中国文化”、“读史明鉴-历史剧中的中国文化”四大模块。通过
本举止主要有“上古的汗漫-据说剧中的中国文化”、“硬人实质-武侠剧中的中国文化”、“宫中行-宫廷剧中的中国文化”、“读史明鉴-历史剧中的中国文化”四大模块。通过对《西纪行》和《封神榜》、《射雕硬人传》和《倚天屠龙记》、《甄嬛传》和《延禧攻略》、《三国小说》和《康熙王朝》等经典古装剧的赏析,畅游据说、江湖、宫廷和朝堂四个寰球,透视剧中的礼序乾坤、说念德不雅念、玄学念念想等中国传统文化,了解中国东说念主的天东说念主之说念、 修身之说念、义利之说念、用东说念主之说念、民本之说念、廉政之说念和法治之说念。完成沿路课程学习与体验,由天津异邦语大学颁发结业文凭。
1. 外洋孔子学院学生
2. 外洋友好疏通院校学生
3. 对中国文化和汉语感好奇的外洋各界东说念主士
1. 措施1:
请点击底下麇集登录“汉语桥”网站,参加“赏经典古装剧 学中国文化 二”进行注册并报名。
2. 措施2:
3. 遗弃日历:2023年9月30日。
4. 限额有限,招满即止。
I. Project Description
Tianjin Foreign Studies University (TFSU), a language-specialized one with comprehensive foreign language programs and multiple disciplines, has abundant experience in international Chinese education. This “Chinese Bridge” program takes Chinese traditional costume dramas as the carrier to deeply explore Chinese cultural elements, especially those integrated in traditional costume dramas by immense learning and experiencing Chinese culture, which enables learners to touch the core value of Chinese culture and get a good grasp of China and the world at large.
II. Main Content
This program mainly includes four parts: "Romance in Ancient Myth -- Chinese Culture in Magic Dramas", "Nature of the Hero -- Chinese Culture in Martial Arts Dramas", "Travel in the Palace -- Chinese Culture in Court Dramas", and " History as a Mirror -- Chinese Culture in Historical Dramas". By watching classical costume dramas such as The Journey to the West, The Legend of Gods, The Legend of the Condor Heroes, The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber, Empresses in the Palace, Story of Yanxi Palace, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Kangxi Dynasty, you can experience four fantastic worlds (namely: the mythology, the Jianghu, the palace and the imperial court), and get a close-up detail of the Chinese traditional culture such as etiquette and order, heaven and earth, moral concepts, and philosophical ideas in the dramas, and understand Chinese people's insights in nature and mankind, self-cultivation, righteousness, and their wisdom in promoting talents, people-oriented mindset, good governments and rule by law. Upon completion, TFSU will issue the participant a certificate of completion.
III. Program Forms
A combination of online recording and live broadcast interaction
IV. Target Candidates
1. Students from 9 Confucius Institutes co-hosted by TFSU.
2. Students from universities which have friendly communication with TFSU.
3. Other overseas friends interested in Chinese language and culture.
V. Enrollment
Maximum enrollment volume: 100 participants. The quota of people is limited, so sign up now!
VI. Application Procedure
1. Step 1:
Log in to the "Chinese Bridge" website and enter the “2nd Chinese Culture in Classical Costume Dramas Online Program Enrollment “for registration.
Click the following link for Registration
2. Step 2:
Fill the registration link from Tianjin Foreign Studies University.
Click the following link for Registration
3. Application Deadline:September 30th, 2023.
4. Tips: Early registration is encouraged for limited participants number.
VII. Fees and Expenses
VIII. Contact Information
For more information of the program and courses, please contact:
Miss Liu (Christina)
Mobile: (+86) 139-0205-0663
Email: hellohanyuqiao@163.com
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