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【HNDB-021】キレイなお姉さんの燃え上がる本物中出し交尾4時間 China expands IP protection network to 73 centers nationwide

发布日期:2024-08-10 06:42    点击次数:192

BEIJING【HNDB-021】キレイなお姉さんの燃え上がる本物中出し交尾4時間, Aug. 8 (Xinhua) -- The number of intellectual property (IP) protection centers under construction and in operation in China has reached 73, according to data released by the country's top IP regulator on Th

  • 【HNDB-021】キレイなお姉さんの燃え上がる本物中出し交尾4時間 China expands IP protection network to 73 centers nationwide

    BEIJING【HNDB-021】キレイなお姉さんの燃え上がる本物中出し交尾4時間, Aug. 8 (Xinhua) -- The number of intellectual property (IP) protection centers under construction and in operation in China has reached 73, according to data released by the country's top IP regulator on Thursday.

    These protection centers are distributed across 28 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, including two in south China's Hainan Province,伊人在线小色哥奇米 according to the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA).

    The CNIPA recently approved the construction of a national IP protection center in Haikou, the capital of Hainan. In the future, it will carry out rapid and coordinated IP protection work for the equipment manufacturing and biopharmaceutical industries.

    Haikou's strategic attraction of research institutions and high-tech enterprises has propelled robust growth, with the combined output value of these two industries having exceeded 40 billion yuan (about 5.6 billion U.S. dollars) in Haikou in 2023.

    "The IP protection center will further support the characteristic industries of Haikou in enhancing market competitiveness at home and abroad【HNDB-021】キレイなお姉さんの燃え上がる本物中出し交尾4時間," said an official at the CNIPA.  ■


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